Monday, October 09, 2006

Weekend Wrapup: Alumni Band Reunion Edition

'Twas a wonderful weekend for sure. Thursday included two delayed flights to South Bend, getting me in around 9:30 pm. Seeing as I hadn't eaten since noon central time, we tried to go to BK near Corby's only to see that... the restaurant area was open, but the cashiers were closed. I'm sorry, you can't get food unless you go through the drive-though. What? So instead we went to Pizza Bell and got a personal pizza. I was really hungry, but Mal ate the entire thing. So I had to go to Corby's on an empty stomach. I think it was his plan to get me drunk that night.

We did indeed hit up Corby's for the second time in one night (for him). Jism and LB were there, along with Rocky, Ball, and Jan's friend MaryCille. We made it home sometime... somehow. All I know is we slept until 1, which was way ahead of our 4pm prediction. We hit up some Chili's, some Legends action to meet everyone in the world, followed by practice and dinner... somewhere. Then back to Corby's! As you can see, the details of this weekend are crystal clear.

We planned on getting up early for tailgating, but somehow slept until later than usual. The tailgate was rather excellent, with pretty much everyone ever in attendance. Vnak showed off his new bling (but no babies). The game was smack-downtastic. I have a terrible face sunburn/tan that redefines raccoon eyes. Damon's is tasty. I'm bored with myself already. Sorry, people.

My TV's sound is fuzzy. I'm worried it may be on the way out.


Mal said...

Mixing wild fabrications with half truths and gorilla dust--this is a blog I can relate to.

Anonymous said...

Lizett - you need to add Rakes of Mallow to your Blog Roll. Great blog.