Thursday, May 18, 2006

Family Matters... no, Family Ties... wait...

When I was an undergrad at ND, coming home was an awesome experience. Having your kid over 1,000 miles away is pretty rough on parents, especially when I'm the first one in my entire family to go away to college. Naturally, when I came home, I was spoiled rotten. Mom would take me shopping, Dad would take us all out to eat, and it was pretty great to be home because all my other friends that went away to college were home then, too, so I could always call them up and go out with them.

Now, harsh reality is setting in. I now live a mere 3 hours from home, so coming home, while still nice, is not all that special. I think it hurts the pocketbook the most. Now that I'm in grad school, all the loans are in my name, and my parents say "well, you've got your own money, you don't need ours anymore!" Oh, god, I do. I do if I want to go shopping! Why would you deprive me of that?

Anyway, my point is, I am bored here at home, I don't have money to go shopping, and none of my friends are back yet. Someone entertain me!

I was always a sucker for Michael J. Fox as a young Republican in a tie....

Also, Jason Bateman's sister, who Jason Bateman had a strange obsession with having love scenes with..

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