Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Am I blatantly stealing this, with only slight modifications? ...Yes.

Dear Readers,

I have an important announcement to make: I'm changing my name to Swarley. I chose this legendary name because it's awe--wait for it--some.

S is for suits. Suit up!
W is for What Would Swarley Do?
A is for "Awesome," which is what my best friends Swarley 4WD and Swarley the future dog are.
R is what a pirate says. Happy, everybody in the world?
L is for "L Swarley," my Mexican counterpart. (I know I'm Mexican, but just go with it.)
E is for "Everybody call me Swarley from now on because that is my name."
Y is for "Y not check out SWARLEY.COM"

Swarley out!

1 comment:

Mal said...

Oh my God I just realized we can call our dog Swarles BARKley. Oh...ohhh I can't stand up for a while.