Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Get ready

I just realized that despite my sidebar, I never actually post in class. Usually it's because it's extremely difficult to come up with anything remotely interesting or creative in class. Not that a lack of a creative idea has ever stopped me from actually posting, but class is usually taken up by IMing and pretending to listen and/or take notes. Some of my colleagues can actually do it, and I applaud them. Meanwhile, I'm sticking to blogging as a method of procrastination when I should be studying.

Tonight, we had a reading of the Assault and Flattery show for this year. I just have to tell everyone that it's going to be pee-your-pants funny. I'll be stage managing, so you don't get to see me humiliate myself. I know, it's a shame, but you should go see the show anyway.

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