Monday, January 24, 2005


No matter how old I get, it is still always exciting to get packages from my mom. Today, I recieved one with the following contents:

  • Two funky folders (probably on clearance at Target)
  • A pair of blue fleece gloves with matching hat
  • Mazapan from Toledo (yummm)
  • A $10 Blockbuster gift card
  • 3 LiveStrong bracelets
  • a pair of purple fuzzy slippers
  • What appears to be a lifetime supply of chamomile tea

Thanks, mom!


phil said...

Noooo! NOT A LIVESTRONG BRACELET! I'm just glad they haven't taken over London yet. Apparently the Brits don't care if you rally back from cancer to win the Tour de France. they pay attention to important issues. like Beckham's hair.

E. Luther said...

I had a livestrong bracelet once. I felt it epitomized a symbol of strength, drive and perseverence, until it broke one day when I was trying to live strong extra fervently. The moral of this story: even if Lance Armstrong's fundraising products fail, he can always do cameos in Dodgeball to promote "Ball Cancer" research. Keep this in mind, Lizett, if yours succumb to the same tragic end as mine did.

Lizett! said...

I know, I am one of those people. "Hey, you're such a good person! You donated a whole dollar to cancer research! Good for YOU!"