Friday, January 14, 2005

Let the games begin!

Last night, as a triumphant first Thursday of our last semester, the entire senior class and most of the junior class went to Legends and Heartland. After a looong stay at Heartland which produced some unexplainable bruises, somehow a large group of us got over to Jenna's apartment. It was last night I realized, my friends, that Jenna, Chris, Greg and I, however good friends we are, cannot be left alone in a room together. Here is a basic idea of what happened.

Everyone arrives. Jenna and Emily make mac & cheese.
Jenna and Greg start arguing about something. Chris joins in.
Everyone gets tired of listening to people's political discussions and leaves.
Chris, Jenna, Greg and I stay in the kitchen and argue until 6am.

See, in Paris it was fun and insightful. At 3am after Heartland, it's just annoying. I'm sure Emily loves us right now and thinks we're really insightful... uhhh...

1 comment:

E. Luther said...

This is in reference to a previous post, but what the hell -- I got one of the newer Runner's World magazines a ways back from home and just today realized that the feature article -- in 56 Helvetica (or something) is most definitely NEW YEAR NEW YOU. Apparently Runner's World is as in tune with the pleas of the masses as the rest of the marketing world.