Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I'm trying

Well, the internet gods seem to be pretty angry at me. I've attempted to update twice, and each time my less than stellar connection cut me off. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! My neighbors seem to be catching on to my illicit internet use, and are cutting me off periodically. Fantastic.

Things have been going pretty well here in San Antonio. My weekends have been pretty packed. Mal came up last weekend, which was awesome as always. We went to Sea World on Saturday, which was good overall. I believe it was another one of those 100+ degree days. We got there around noon, and proceeded to wait in lines for at least a half hour just to get tickets. I have never seen so many Mexicans in one place, not even at my cousin's wedding. Every thing has a line. Eve. Ry. Thing. I think we figured out what the problem was. While waiting in line to pay for food, the cashier stood there, change in hand, while she talked to another employee for a good two minutes. WHAT IS HAPPENING? You work at a theme park. Good God, it's so hot, just give me my water.

Anyway, we stood in line for like an hour to go on the river ride and got summarily drenched by the waterfall. It felt delicious. Of course, immediately afterward, the clouds gathered and it began to rain. We saw a couple of shows, the sea lions paid no attention whatsoever to the trainers, and Shamu made me believe in myself. The end.

I still haven't gotten quite comfortable enough at work to blog from there, but I'm becoming more and more convinced they don't know or give a crap what I do on my computer. The other day I turned in an assignment to my boss and he said "Umm... why don't you... go mess around on the internet for a while." And I did. It was beautiful.

I may begin to write entries at work and send them in to my ghost writer, Philip. He calls it freelancing, but I'm pretty sure you get to put your name on your own work when you freelance.

1 comment:

Mal said...

I can't believe you didn't write a single word about Viva! Outrageously bizarre. Two words.