Sunday, June 12, 2005

Tae Bo - more like Tae No

Exercising in the summer in Houston is a problem for me. Two summers ago I joined a gym, which was fine, but they kept charging me after my summer was up - not a happy experience, and I'm not even going to be home all this summer. (For those of you who may remember from my previous blog, it was also a breeding ground for old men to stare while I used the leg muscle machines that look inappropriate). A few summers ago, I tried to go running at 8 am, before it got too hot. Needless to say, it's physically impossible to go out "before it's too hot", because even at 8, 7, or 5 am, it's still over 80 degrees with miserable humidity, rendering it impossible to exercise without feeling like a sweaty gym sock and/or passing out. Also, who gets up at 8 am?! The treadmill we have at home is fine, but a little old and boring. So, for fun, I decided to try out one of those Tae-Bo tapes (well, DVDs) that everyone keeps raving about. After all, Kt R likes it and my old RA Liz swore by it. So I pick up a DVD with a very sweaty Billy Blanks on the cover promising an effective cardio workout and all the other magic things Tae Bo promises to give you, such as the ability to fly or kill an attacker with a paper clip. I tried it out the other day, and good lord. I lasted fifteen minutes before the light headedness and passing out started to kick in. I'm hoping to build up, but for now, I hurt too much to move.

In other news, I finally went and saw Star Wars on Saturday. Our friends picked the theatre, and it ended up being on IMAX which was pretty cool, but unnecessarily expensive, in my opinon. The movie itself - well, just as Alex and Stork put it when I asked them how it was, "It was... evil." A little depressing, I suppose, but pretty entertaining. All I know is I'm looking forward to Batman Begins beause I love me some Christian Bale.

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