Monday, December 06, 2004

Complete Failure

Well, seeing the frequency that Eliz and Philip have updated their blogs, I guess I am a complete failure. Just like I knew I would, I started this then immediately abandoned it. So what's happened since I last posted?

1) ND went 6-5 for the season, fired our coach and is currently up shit creek without a paddle. Seems like people can't wait to tell the media they aren't interested in coaching for us.
2) I assistant stage managed Angels in America (huzzah) and am currently stage managing Julius Caesar for directing finals.
3) The women's soccer team won the national championship. At least one of our teams can win.
4) I've (nearly) survived my last fall semester, applied to 4 law schools so far, and am still searching for jobs, if available. Head coach for ND, anyone?

So, that's basically it. Also, while changing the ink cartridge on my printer today, I got teal ink all over my hands.

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