Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Decision 2004

So there's a lot of press going on about the election. Rightly so, it's a very important part of our lives, and this election will surely affect the US and the world tremendously. But I think too much importance has been placed on the candidates.

Let's take a look at what really matters - our first ladies.

First off, Laura Bush. OK, we've had four years with her in the White House. What has she proven? That she's a smart, level-headed and easy-going woman. Just because she's less outspoken than previous first ladies *cough* Hilary *cough* doesn't mean she's submissive or too modest. I mean, she's a freakin' librarian, who doesn't like them? Except for my crazy librarian in first grade who had the freaky long fingernails. She was an exception. Anyway, Laura Bush shows that she's got what it takes to be a great First Lady.

Now, let's look at Theresa Heinz Kerry. This woman has proven to be an erratic, hypocrytical nut job. She says that reporters were putting words in her mouth when they were quoting back to her what she said. She calls for civility in politics and then tells reporters to shove it. And she grabs the microphone away from her husband while he's making speeches. Is this the kind of woman you want representing your country? She can't even decide on how to pronounce her first name or decide on a last name, but you want her to be giving advice on what to do in the forum of international politics?!

It's your choice, folks. Decision 2004.

1 comment:

phil said...

2 posts and you already have a better blog than me. I think I am going to use liztastic in normal discourse now. I'm also glad to see that you're framing your discussions after John Stewart.

Maria Teresa Thierstein Simoes-Ferreira Heinz Kerry. and that's one person.