Sunday, January 22, 2006

When the hell did I get so pale

Who can say when the cycle of pasty whiteness began, but I suspect a lot of it had to do with when I moved to Indiana, where the sun disappears for at least half the year. But I am back in Texas, where the sun shines mostly all year, and I continue to get whiter and whiter. I think I'm spending too much time indoors, with books and things.

Anyway, tonight was my best friend Laurie's Congrats Happy Away party. Congrats on graduating college, Happy (early) Birthday, and Happy Going Away! Laurie is leaving for basic training on Thursday so we are celebrating all three things at once. And, who doesn't love an excuse for cookie cake?? Brian made fajitas, and it was a good, chill evening with lots of friends and loved ones celebrating the awesomeness that is Laurie. She and I have been friends since sixth grade - the only year we spent together in school! Basically, we crack each other up so much we couldn't stay away.

So... that's my weekend! I'm heading back to Austin tomorrow... yup, should be a fun drive through the rain.


Anonymous said...

I think you may officially be paler than me. And that's hard, seeing as my natural skin color is translucent.

Anonymous said...

Now if you just sported some freckles, you could become a bona fide whitey!