Monday, January 23, 2006


Choose law. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a respectable law school. Choose an effing big laptop. Choose roller bags, highlighters, post-it notes, sticky flags and commercial outlines. Choose eight a.m. classes, stale bagels, and a frappuccino addiction. Choose student loan debt bigger than the GDP of Belgium. Choose the Subway diet. Choose puking on the hiring partner at a business-casual reception. Choose the billable hour and wonder why you're at work on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting in an office writing mind-numbing, spirit-crushing memos, stuffing leftover Chinese take-out in your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, drooling on yourself at the firm Christmas party, married to your eighty-year-old secretary, and realize that you're nothing more than an embarassment to the selfish, stuck-up, overpaid associates you have recruited to replace yourself.

Choose your future.

Choose Law.

*The following has been the tagline for last year's Assault and Flattery show, Issuespotting.
**Assasult and Flattery is the satirical law school musical/skit show put on every year at Texas. I'm the lighting designer this year! And this year's show is called The Big Dzienkowski.

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