Thursday, January 26, 2006

Guilty pleasures

We all have those things that we adore, but don't really admit to anyone because, well, they're a little embarassing, and you know that as an educated person with a fine taste for entertainment, you really shouldn't. So, in an effort to be a little more open and get the dialogue moving, I am going to share a few of mine and ask (no - demand) that you share one with everyone else. Now, it doesn't have to be your secret addiction to transexual hookers, just something like, you really like to wear footie pajamas. Or something like that. My list includes:

  • Dancing with the Stars - So hokey, and really not that much to it. Some washed-up celebrities learn how to ballroom dance! Who cares? Well, I do. I really do. I want Jerry Rice to win it all, because, he used to play football! And I enjoy Lisa Rinna flipping out like a little kid every time she doesn't get eliminated. Also, how is Master P still in the running?
  • The new Beyonce single - I think she says some sort of variation of "Check up on it" about ten thousand times. It's so formulaic and repetitive. I love it!
  • Mary Kate and Ashley lip gloss - Damn you, Emily, for turning me to the MK and A line of cosmetics. But you've gotta admit, they're cheap and pretty really okay looking.
  • Reruns of Home Improvement - That show is so dated, I really should not be laughing at those jokes anymore. But, I still do. Tim Allen grunting like a gorilla is still pure comic genius, if you ask me.
  • There and Back - Another TV show that, all things being equal, I should loathe. But Ashley something from O-Town actually doesn't seem like too much of a tool and the pregnancy drama is pretty interesting. Also, it's hilarious to see a former teen star live in a home that looks like it could easily be in my neighborhood.
  • - Supreme Court news, famous cases, and podcasts of oral arguments. Wow, I am a nerd.
Now, just remember that despite all this, I do like some very sophisticated things. Yes... veeery sophisticated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so with you on the new Beyonce song. I just bought Destiny's Child's #1s CD on iTunes and I am addicted. For some reason they include that song even though it is Beyonce's single, not the group's.