Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Death by Constitution

Remember how they used to tell you when you were little that jumping into the pool all at once is better than trying to tiptoe in? I think that's what the law school professors were thinking when they decided how to schedule our classes. I'm used to having three, maybe four classes in one day (on a particularly rough day). Now, four is the standard, and I do have a day with five classes. Five law school classes. Each with its own assignment and homework to do. Not only that, but the reading assignments seem to have grown exponentially since last semester. Weee! No use in easing us in, just throw us in the pool!

To top off all that, my body decided to reject the idea of going back to school by getting sick just in time for the first day of class. So yes, I am that girl in class who is constantly blowing her nose and generally being disgusting and sick. My eyes hurt.

1 comment:

ndNips said...

Awww! That's no fun!

Welcome to my life! Claritin-D, you cruel tease...

Get well soon!