Wednesday, April 19, 2006

You know what that means!

So, I am posting at 1 am. That can only mean that I have an assignment due tomorrow! And I do! Ding ding ding! Actually, I'm pretty much done. There's only so much fake-revision one can do.

So for Zombie Jesus weekend, my family came up to Austin to visit me. Hurray, family! My parents stayed with our good old family friends John and Dora, who live near my apartment. One I of their daughters, Aurora (or "Catherine", which is her middle/stage name) is in a telenovela in Mexico, which makes me feel pretty darn special. I know a... kind of... famous person... in Mexico! Friday, when they got here, I ate out for three meals. Yes, three full meals. And dessert. I was set to explode.

Saturday, I ditched the family for a law school booze cruise. I'm sorry parents, we've been planning this since February or so. This takes precedent. It was a pretty awesome time, just chilling on the boat, drinking beer provided by Fulbright & Jaworski, and we actually docked somewhere on Lake Travis to get out and swim. And by swim, I mean, use the SLIDE. That's right, a slide attached to the boat. Best thing ever. In gratitude to Fulbirght & Jaworski, we had to take a picture of all of us being happy on the boat with the F&J sign they provided for us. How nice of them. Let me just say, that I foresee a lot of female job offers from F&J, considering how many of us were in our bathing suits when that picture was taken. BONG.

My parents were supposed to leave Saturday, but decided to stick around Sunday for Easter mass. Another giant meal, care of the parents. Thank youuuu. All this family time does mean that I got zero studying and very little progress done on my memo. Which brings us to where I am tonight, writing this at 1 am.

Kim comes tomorrow, which means another unproductive weekend! And Mal is coming the weekend after that! When am I actually going to study for finals? Never, that's when. Bye bye, GPA. It was fun while it lasted. Let's hope my summer job experience can get me a decent offer next summer.

1 comment:

Goat said...

Ahh, yet another inviting form of procrastination: blogging.

I used to have to force myself to go to my secluded office in Fitz with no internet access in order to get my papers done at ND. Man, did I hate writing papers.