Monday, February 27, 2006

Public transportation

So this morning, I finally decide that yes, it is a good idea to drive to school. I've had my car for about two months now, and I've taken it to school about thrice. And each time, I've parked in the garage, which is very convenient, but also, quite expensive. So last week I went out and got myself a C parking permit, which lets me park in some of the further-away parking lots, but hey, it cost me $50 for the rest of the semester, so it's a pretty good deal, right?

This morning, I admit, I leave my house a bit rushed. That's what happens when you are as much of a fan of the snooze button as I am. So I think "Okay, I'll go park in the lot by the LBJ library". I parked there just last week. Granted, I came to school in the afternoon, but hey, should be about the same right? Not a single spot was open. I circled around about three times before I realized that no one is coming to leave, so I go to the only other lot I know I can park in - the one by Disch-Falk field, on the other side of 35. So I finally head over there, park in the LAST row, and head back to the - wait for it - bus stop to take me back to campus. If you have to take a bus to get from your car to campus, that is just TOO FAR. And of course, this bus does not drop me off at the law school. It drops me off at the PAC, which is another five-minute walk or so to the actual law school. So, by the time I actually get to the building itself, I am half an hour late for Property. Oh, well, at least it gave me time to sit in the library and write this entry - a much better use of my time, I think.


ndNips said...

Today I caught a public bus to take me two blocks. Totally worth it.

phil said...

maybe they should pull a Notre Dame and convert all the buses to TROLLEYS. that would really help.

Mal said...

Maybe you should get a Segway! You could put a little bag on the front that says LM, because you're weird and don't have a middle name.

Lizett! said...

Austin does have trolleys! They're called Dillos. The Dillos are Free!

Wait, no one is going to get that. Oh well.

Someday, when I have kids, they will all have nicknames that are just acronyms made up of their initials.

Anonymous said...

I love not having to worry about parking. Only very occasionally do I miss having a car.

Lizett! said...

Don't worry Kat... your mistake has been erased ;-)