Thursday, January 18, 2007

Rehab is the new baby

Well, classes finally resumed today, which means it's time for me to begin procrastinating. As many of you know, I'm kind of a gossip hound, so it's pretty Big News that Lindsay Lohan checked into rehab. Good job, Lindsay. You're 20 years old and your mom thinks she's your BFF. You're totally well-adjusted. One quote from SuperMom- "She's fine. She's amazingly fine." Yup, that's why she's in rehab!

Sadly, Lindsay Lohan is only the latest in a long line of rehab-ers - Nicole Richie (sort of? anorexia rehab?), Pete Doherty, Keith Urban. Lately, it seems like rehab is the new baby.

Last year, it was baby mania - Angelina Jolie adopting the world, Bennifer II, Matt Damon, Gwen Stefani, Madonna. In Hollywood, mommyhood is out - rehab is in. What's next - Quickie weddings? Oh wait...

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