Sunday, February 06, 2005

Sunday Sunday Sunday

After that bitter rant (sorry guys, it was supposed to be sarcastic, but the anger was just too much for me to handle), it's been a few days, and not much has happened, so I'm going to fill you all in on some things that have amused me and kept my sanity in the last week or so.

After all, when working on The Laramie Project, one needs many things that will keep them from, say, killing the director with a mechanical pencil to the eye.

1) This article is hilarious. OK, so it's not grad school for me, it's law school, but still, highly enjoyable and bitter in the funny way that I couldn't achieve.

2) The Keenan Revue last night. According to a non-ND eye, it looks like Keanu Reeves when displayed in away messages, but rest assured a night of sketch comedy by college guys is always a laugh. Especially when Nut had his Dear Diary skit. That man can carry an audience for a solid five minutes on his own.

3) The Onion... that mecca of sweet sweet fake news.

4) Starbucks... nuff said.

5) Arrested Development... whether in Season One DVD form, or new episodes, it guarantees a laugh.

6) And of course, this blog along with Philip's and Eliz's. I'm still learning about the whole Hello/Picasa picture posting thing, mainly because I'm too lazy to read the actual instructions and just try to figure it out myself. But the pictures are there, so enjoy.

And finally today is The Big Game, or rather, The Big Commercial Day with Some Football In Between. I'm going to be honest, pro football doesn't interest me that much, so I'm keeping my eye out for good beer commericals and wardrobe malfunctions.

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