Thursday, February 03, 2005

My So-Called Life

I have been accused by my fellow blog-mate abroad, Philip, of not updating frequently enough. And to you I say, suck it.

Excuse me that I'm not taking fantastic little trips around the English countryside with my friends and getting stared at for wearing clothes that color-coordinate. As you very well know, there is much less to write about here in the confines of the Notre Dame bubble, and even less to write about South Bend.

But Lizett, I hear you saying, you were abroad yourself, why didn't you keep a blog there? Well, my friends, the answer is manyfold.

  1. The Fund is not exactly the technological mecca of the world. The people who had been there before said, "You don't really need to bring a laptop. The computer lab has everything you need." Well, said computer lab had 15 computers for the 150 kids or so that went there, and used Windows95 as their operating system. Plus, I couldn't download pictures on them, since they weren't equipped with such fancy things as "UBS ports", so there wasn't much to post anyway.
  2. Instead of spending my leisure time updating my friends back home (not that I don't enjoy that, I really do love it, it gives me some sort of vicarious thrill), we mostly spent our 3-hour lunch breaks eating and drinking sangria

So, if there's not much for me to say, I won't post. Until then, I'll come up with some sarcastic things to say. It's just harder without Philip or Ashley here pulling the sarcasm out of me.


phil said...

I feel such anger from your words...don't take your sexual frustrations out on the blog. After all, I will be back in May. ;)

Anonymous said...

I know it's hard to carryon without rolemodels. Which is why I'm writing a book: "How to be a Sarcastic Bitch." Copy number one goes to you.