Friday, September 15, 2006

New things are afoot

Well, my friends, it's official. I thought I could hide under the radar from the UT blawggers, but now I'm linked at Hawk McGee, Ex.Coll.Blog, and Amicus Curiae, which is arguably the #1 UT Blawg now that Wings&Vodka is off the air. Weep. I cry just a little at the thought that there is no more W&V wit out there.

Last night, I had two receptions to go to. The first was for a certain BigLaw national firm at the very posh Shoreline Bar & Grill. The people were nice, but God, for such a nice restaurant, could they please turn on the a/c? Thankssss.

The second was for a San Antonio law firm at Stubb's Barbecue. That was pretty chill and fun, and it was pretty crowded outside because Thievery Corporation was playing later that night. Too bad I didn't stick around, because GyllenStrong was there for the show! I loves me some Jake Gyllenhal. I guess it's best that I sold my ACL tickets though, because as much as I'd like to think that I would run into Jake and Lance at ACL, I doubt that would actually happen. And now I get my money back and finally actually unpacked my apartment. I live here now, I'm not just moving in!

To do tomorrow: Go to the Austin Alumni Club game watch and see ND poop on Michigan, or catch up on Federal Income Tax?

I think we all know the answer to that.


Mal said...

Hey hon, I got that vagisil you asked me to pick up. It's in the medicine cabinet behind the stool softener.

Lizett! said...

You mean Cock's stool softener?

At least I don't have a sandy vagina.