Saturday, August 16, 2008

Things are happening

If you're wondering why I haven't blogged, it's because my life has been incredibly boring as of late. But, finally, things seem to be picking up.

I got a job! A low-paying job with the local government, but a job nonetheless. I actually decided to wait until February for the bar, so I'll be doing my time in intake before I can become a baby prosecutor. That's the plan, anyway, hopefully I'll enjoy my time there so I can make an informed decision.

With my free time, I've taken up cooking. My two specialties at this point are chicken parmesan and jambalaya. And by specialties, I mean, I was able to follow the recipe from exactly. Score!

We found a dog park here with an adjoining lake not five minutes from Stephen's mom's house, so we've been taking old Swarlos there pretty much every weekend, and he loves it. Today was probably his greatest accomplishment yet. He got to play with a dog his own size, bully a much tinier dog, and, get this.... he swam in the lake! I feel like a mommy who actually taught her kid to do something, instead of just throwing a stick out into the lake until natural instinct took over, but considering Swarley was afraid of swimming the last two times we took him there, this is quite the accomplishment. Gold medal in doggie swimming and fetching for Swarley!

Speaking of gold medals, have you guys been watching the Olympics? Normally I follow the Olympics with little more than indifference, but these games have been pretty amazing. How about Michael Phelps winning the gold last night by one one-hundreth of a second? Booya. America... Fuck yeah!

And finally, see here for all the pretty little toys we have.

1 comment:

Rocky said...

Nice reference to "Team America"!!! Fuck yeah!!!