Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Whaaat's happening

Hey guys! What's... up. I realize it's been oh... a couple of months? Anyway, Stephen and I have moved. The new place is much, much better, except for our upstairs neighbors. They tend to stomp around a lot, which we recently discovered is caused by their 3-year-old child. You know, discovered since we went up to confront the man at around 11:30 at night, and the 3 year old answered the door with him. For a while, we felt bad because hey, he's got a child, but stomping around late at night has only caused our distate to grow for the family upstairs. They'd better watch out, or we'll start blasting Roger Miller through the vents straight into their apartment. Speaking of vents, we also seem to think that their vents are somehow connected to ours. I recently got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, and was met by a most unpleasant odor. After confirming with Stephen that he had not, in fact, just been in the bathroom at 4:30 in the morning, the only conclusion is that their horrifying bathroom odors are somehow seeping into our apartment. It happened every once in a while over the weekend, and hasn't happened since, so maybe they had an incontinent grandpa from The Old Country over for a while or something.

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