Saturday, October 01, 2005

Irishizzle apparantly translates many things. Here for your amusement, courtesy of micvat, is the Notre Dame Fight Song:

R-A-Double-Lizzy sons of Notre Dame
Spendin' her glory, n sound her fame
Raise her Gold n Blue,
And rappa wit voices true,
Rah! Rah! For Notre Dame.

We will fight in every game
Strong of heart n tizzle ta her name.
We wiznill neer forget her
And wizzay pusha her eva,
Loyal ta Notre Dame.

Chea, drug deala fo` Old Notre Dame
Wakes up tha echoes ridin' her name,
Send tha volley poser on high,
Shakes D-to-tha-izzown tha thunda frizzay tha sky,
What though tha odds be bootylicious or small
Old Notre Dizzle W-to-tha-izzill win over all,
While her loyal sons is marching
Onward ta Victory . Holla!.

Pure genius. Memorize it, for I will be singing it every gameday from now until eternity.


E. Luther said...

I want to hear you sing it wearking Khaki on Khaki so I can get he true Khaki on Khaki timber and intonation correct before memorizing it.

Lizett! said...

I've decided if I ever become a rapper, my thug name (or perhaps a nickname of sorts) will be Khaki on Khaki. And I will wear nothing but khaki on khaki at every possible moment and in every possible combination.